
2013-06-18 王志响 中国氟塑料网
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Abstract: Polytetrafluoroethylene is a new type of medical polymer materials, made of PTFE resin by stretching and other special processing methods, non-toxic, non-carcinogenic, non-allergenic and other side effects. Because of its unique microporous structure, and human tissue cells and blood vessels can grow into its porous formation of the organization to connect, like autologous tissue. Tissue ingrowth of tissue healing way than the traditional Silastic fiber wrapped organizations healing way more superior, from a medical perspective, expanded polytetrafluoroethylene has become an important filler material for medical, is the most ideal biological organizational substitutes.
Key word: PTFE,EPTFE,Biological materials,Medical materials,Medical polymer

      我国医用高分子材料的研究是从50年代末以研制塑料输液袋、输血袋开始的,近十多年有了较大的发展。从颅骨到脚趾关节、从心脏瓣膜到心血管、人工皮肤及整形外科、口腔科、五官科、计划生育等诸方面都在使用高分子材料。硅橡胶、聚甲基丙烯酸甲酯、聚乙烯、无毒聚氯乙烯、聚全氟乙丙烯等都相继在临床中应用。本来,用拉伸法成型的聚四氟乙烯(expanded Polytetrafluoro ethylene,以下简称EPTFE)医用制品在我国尚属空白。上海市塑料研究所于1979年从研究人工血管人手,开始进行EPTFE医用制品的研究,先后开展了人工器官、人体器官修补材料、医疗器械用材料等方面的研究,现已研制出不同规格、性能各异的EPTFE医用产品20余种。填补了国内医学界的多项空白【1】。